Wednesday, February 24, 2016

News Wrap Up, February 24th, 2016

It's time for THE NO CHILL ZONE News Wrap Up.

First, I had the (dis)pleasure of reading a piece on so called "white guilt," by FOX News contributor and Patheos columnist Stacey Dash.  Apparently, a school showed a video on "white guilt," and not surprisingly, people were not happy, including African American conservative Dash.

I will spare you what she had to say, but if you ask me, there is NO SUCH THING as "white guilt."  When I lived in New York City, and even living here in Connecticut, when I pass by white people (especially white women), they look at me as if I am a physical threat.  And when I worked as a cashier last year, I dealt with white customers who acted as if they were superior to me.

And let's not forget that racism and bigotry are still a huge problem in America, as shown by recent events.

White guilt.  WHAT white guilt?

Second, I read an article on SpoiledNYC that said that The Bronx was the least friendly of the five boroughs.

Well, you could have fooled me.  I think ALL five boroughs are unfriendly, but whatever.  I don't have to live there anymore, so I really shouldn't care that much.

Finally, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump won last night's Nevada caucuses.  But he also made headlines for saying that he loves "poorly educated" people, who in part delivered the win for him.

I suppose that Trump does love the poorly educated.  Those are the people that he easily can get over on.

But it's not these people lack education.  It's more that they lack information, getting it only from a few sources.

In any case, there is an old saying..."When you stand for nothing, you fall for anything."  That can pretty much sum up ALL of Trump's supporters. you see fit.

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