Tuesday, November 10, 2015

News Wrap Up, November 10th, 2015

It's time for THE NO CHILL ZONE News Wrap Up.

First, let the so-called " War on Christmas" begin!  First, Starbucks Coffee is under fire for putting their drinks in red cups.  And a mall in Long Island, New York, had to change their holiday display after customers complained about it not being in sync with Christmas.

So, this is what people are whining about (now), huh?  Red coffee cups and a modern holiday display.  Meanwhile, we have people starving, homeless, and in poverty to ring in the season this year.

Priorities, people!  GET THEM STRAIGHT.

Second, amid racial tensions, the president and a chancellor of the University of Missouri announced their resignations.  The last straw was that black players on the school's football team refused to play until the president stepped down.

Like comedian and radio personality D.L. Hughley said, "I guess black lives matter on the football field!"

The resignations are a good thing, considering that the race issues could have (and should have) been addressed promptly, rather than letting them spiral out of control.  Hopefully, a lesson learned for the school leadership going forward.

Finally, the publication Deadspin.com released pages of information and graphic images related to embattled Dallas Cowboys player Greg Hardy's domestic violence case.  Hardy was suspended ten games before the NFL players union intervened and got the ban reduced to four games.

The documents provide a blow by blow account of the night in question that led to Hardy's arrest.  He was convicted,  but he appealed and his conviction was tossed, because his ex - girlfriend victim failed to show up to court (It is alleged that he paid her off).

A man who puts his hands on a woman is NOT A MAN AT ALL.  This is not my opinion.  This is the cold hard truth.  Justice did not get Hardy, but God will.

Comment...As you see fit.

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